Raiders of the Lost Artifacts: 100 Years in Hiding

Join us for an exclusive, members-only presentation by Curator Bradley K. Smith. Explore 100-years of Berks County history through museum artifacts, newly discovered during our Collections Management Initiative. 

March 11, 2017   I   2PM-3PM


Members Only : Free Admission
This Annual Members Only event is a benefit of Berks History Center Membership. Thank you for supporting the preservation of Berks County’s heritage!

Bring a friend (non-member) for no additional charge! 

Share your love for Berks County history and spend time with people that you love. We are happy to welcome your friend or family member free of charge to this exclusive Members Only event. Share the excitement of rediscovering Berks County’s rich history. After the presentation, take time to explore our new exhibits and galleries with your friends, family and other members.

Here are some of the valuable artifacts we found!