Mount Penn Gravity Railroad

Station in Mineral Springs Park, within easy access by street cars from all parts of the city and railroad stations. A mountain climb behind a powerful engine (itself a novelty), two and a half miles to the summit of Mt. Penn, 1200 feet above the sea-the Black Spot. A lofty solid Stone Tower on the mountain top, from which appears a magnificent view of the city of Reading, the broad and fertile Schuylkill and Lebanon Valleys, the distant ranges and peaks of the Blue Mountains, to the hor izion-30 miles in every direction. Large pavilions for shelter and rest and a well-conducted restaurant. From the summit a rapid flight BY GRAVITY, 5 miles, over a road of light grades, through groves, vineyards, and mountain farms to the starting-point. Along the road, attractive summer resorts and picnic grounds. Accommodation for excursions of any size. For further information and rates, apply to C.M. DECHANT, Supt., Reading, Pa. 1890